Prinzing Entmistungstechnik
dung removal systems

We are able to offer you a wide range of modern dung removal systems for transporting solid manure and slurry for cattle-, pig-, hen- and horse stables. Years of experience in development, design, construction and assembly ensure high quality and reliability of our systems

Prinzing Maschinenbau
sheet metal forming

Development, design and installation of sheet metal working machines for beading, flanging, rounds, cutting and folding of sheet metal or other suitable materials. Our product ranges from light manually operated to fully automatic machines.

Prinzing Lohnbearbeitung

Because of our many years of experience, qualifications and modern machines, our specialists are able to implement your orders in high quality and in time. We produce parts, assemblies and components according to your specifications or drawings

Peter Prinzing GmbH
Siechenlach 2
89173 Lonsee-Urspring
Phone: +49 7336 / 9610-0
Fax.: +49 7336 / 9610-50

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